Sunday, December 18, 2011

Self Portrait

I had no real plans today so I decided to do a self portrait and play around with Photoshop CS5.

I have been reading and watching a lot of videos on Photoshop in order to improve my work.  I wanted to play with Dodge and Burn, layers and adding in effects like rain.

Here are the results of my Sunday project, I hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Globe and Mail

I was approached a couple of weeks ago by Gentech International, the company that supplies Sigma lenses to Canada.  All of the lenses that I use are Sigma lenses and I have been in contact with them for some time.  Gentech was looking for a sequence of photos to use in an ad promoting lenses that could be used for DSLR cameras capable of video.

When I heard that the ad was going to run in the Globe and Mail I was all in.  When you get a chance to have you work in the hands of 375,000 people you jump at the opportunity.

Here is the ad:

If you get the Globe and Mail the ad will be in the paper Saturday December 17, on the outside back cover of the sports section. 

Again a special thanks to David Topping at Gentech for reaching out to me for the images, and I am looking forward to maintaining a good relationship with Gentech and Sigma.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Another Images Used

I still get that cool feeling when I see an image of mine used in a magazine or a maunstream website.

I made the trip a couple of days in a row to Seaforth for a stop on the Canadian Tour.  The main reason for going was to get soe cool golf shots, but the tournament was also the closest stop for an up and coming Canadian Golfer, Adam Hadwin. 

The draw of a big name golfer and the fact that it was a short drive away made it an easy decision.  Little did I know that a shot of Adam would be used by SportsNet.

Here is the main page shot and the article: